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Glover, Lilian

GLOVER, LILIAN - Died 22nd February 2016. Mum, you...

Glover, Lilian

GLOVER, LILIAN - Died 22nd February 2016. There is...

Glover, Lilian

GLOVER, LILIAN - Died 22nd February 2016. Loving...

Glover, Lilian

GLOVER, LILIAN - Died 22nd February 2016. 1 year passed. I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new, I thought about you yesterday and the day before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name, now all I have are memories and a picture in a frame. Your memory is my keepsake with which we'll never part, God has you in His keeping, I have you in my heart. Love always, your loving husband Bobby.

  • date-icon Added: 22/02/2017

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