Gibbons, Margaret
GIBBONS, MARGARET - The husband and the family of the late Margaret Gibbons wish to thank all the many kind friends and neighbours who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. To all those who sent...
Harron, Sally
HARRON, SALLY - Henry and family of the late Sally Harron wish to express their sincere thanks to their extended family and friends for their sympathy and kindness during their recent sad bereavement. Thanks to all...
Crawford, Charlie
CRAWFORD, CHARLIE - Gladys and the family of the late Charlie Crawford wish to thank family, friends and neighbours for their sympathy and kindness during their recent sad bereavement. Thank you to all who called at...
Herron, Philippa
HERRON, PHILIPPA - The entire family circle of the late Philippa Herron, wish to express their most sincere thanks, to all those kind friends, neighbours and relatives who sympathised with them in their recent sad...
Mcilwaine Sylvia
McILWAINE SYLVIA The family of the late Sylvia McIlwaine wish to thank all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. Thanks to all who called at the home, brought gifts, sent cards or letters...
Black, William Leslie
BLACK, WILLIAM LESLIE - The family of the late Leslie Black would like to thank the Doctors, Nurses and Staff of Ward F Mater Hospital for the love and care shown to our father. The Rev. Colin Morrison for ...
Magee, George
MAGEE, GEORGE - The wife and family wish to thank all those who attended the large funeral of the late George Magee, in Co. Fermanagh. Thanks to Canon Barry for his courteousness in the home, also all who called,...
Knox William (Billy)
KNOX WILLIAM (BILLY) Margaret and the family of the late Billy Knox wish to thank all who sympathised with them during their recent sad bereavement. Thank you to the relatives, friends and neighbours who called at...
Lindsay, Ronnie
LINDSAY, RONNIE - The wife and family of the late Ronald (Ronnie) Lindsay, wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement and supported the family in any way....
Mcroberts, David
McROBERTS, DAVID - The family circle of the late David McRoberts wish to express their most sincere thanks to all those kind relatives, friends and neighbours who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement...
Sharpe, John
SHARPE, JOHN - The wife and family circle wish to express their most sincere thanks to all those kind relatives, friends and neighbours who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. A special word of...
Wylie William James (Billy)
WYLIE WILLIAM JAMES (BILLY) Margaret and the family of the late Billy Wylie wish to thank all who sympathised with them during their recent sad bereavement. Thank you to the relatives, friends and neighbours who...