Honeyman, Pauline
HONEYMAN, PAULINE - The family of the late Pauline Honeyman wish to thank all those who sympathised with them during their recent, sad bereavement. Thanks to those who telephoned, sent cards and donations or who...
Mckibbin, James
McKIBBIN, JAMES - The family of the late James McKibbin would like to thank all who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. To those who sent cards, called at the house, gave donations and attended...
Copeland, Mary Catherine (Nee Lane)
COPELAND, MARY CATHERINE (Nee LANE) - The family of the late Mary Copeland wish to express their sincere thanks to all those relatives, friends and neighbours who supported and sympathised...
Fisher, Robert (Bobby)
FISHER, ROBERT (BOBBY) - The family of the late Bobby Fisher, wish to express their sincere thanks to everyone who sympathised with them in their saddest time. A special thanks to Canon Barry Dodds for his support...
Hogg, Andrew
HOGG, ANDREW - The family of the late Drew wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement. Thanks to all who sent cards, telephoned, called, attended...
Anderson, Darren
ANDERSON, DARREN - The family of the late Darren Anderson wish to thank everyone who sympathised with them on their recent bereavement. Special thanks to all involved in the search for him and special thanks to Canon...
Craig, Robert
CRAIG, ROBERT - His wife Betty and family circle wish to express sincere thanks to all who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement. To those who attended the funeral service at Finaghy Methodist Church...
Ivimey, Margaret Elizabeth (Peggy)
IVIMEY, MARGARET ELIZABETH (PEGGY) - Eric and Jo Ivimey wish to thank all those who sympathised with them in the recent, sad bereavement of Peggy. Thanks to Dr. Mitchell, and Comber Care...
Connery, Stella
CONNERY, STELLA - The family of the late Stella wish to thank all who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement. To those who called at the house, sent cards, flowers and attended the funeral. Thanks to...
Lowry, William (Billy)
LOWRY, WILLIAM (BILLY) - The wife and family of the late Billy Lowry would like to thank all those who sympathised with them after their recent bereavement. To all who called at the house, sent cards or phoned and...
Titterington, Walter
TITTERINGTON, WALTER - The family circle of the late Walter Titterington wish to express their most sincere thanks to all those kind relatives, friends and neighbours who sympathised with them in their recent sad...
Hamill, William John Hamilton (Billy)
HAMILL, WILLIAM JOHN HAMILTON (BILLY) - The wife and family of the late Billy Hamill wish to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with them during their recent sad...