Kilpatrick, Ronnie
KILPATRICK, RONNIE - The family of the late Ronnie Kilpatrick express their sincere thanks to all the relatives, friends and neighbours who sympathised with them in their recent bereavement. Thanks to the Doctors...
Russell, Thomas
RUSSELL, THOMAS - The family circle of the late Thomas Russell would like to thank all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. To all who attended the funeral, offered prayers, thoughts,...
Walker, Mary Bell (Mamie)
WALKER, MARY BELL (MAMIE) - The family of the late Mamie Walker wish to thank all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad loss. To all who sent cards, telephoned, called at the house, gave donations and...
Dunseith, James
DUNSEITH, JAMES - The wife and family circle wish to thank all those who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement. Many thanks to those who sent cards, gifts and attended the funeral service. Special...
Faulkner, Andrew Campbell
FAULKNER, ANDREW CAMPBELL - The family of the late Campbell Faulkner wish to thank all those who sympathised with them in their sad loss. Thanks to all who sent cards and flowers, telephoned and attended the funeral...
Macquillan, Chris
MACQUILLAN, CHRIS - The wife and family of the late Chris MacQuillan would like to express their sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. Our thanks to relatives, friends...
Simpson, Roy
SIMPSON, ROY - The wife and family of the late Roy wish to thank all the many kind friends and neighbours who sympathised with them during their recent sad bereavement. To all those who called at the home, telephoned...
Smith, Barbara (Nee Love)
SMITH, BARBARA (Nee LOVE) - The husband, sons and family circle of the late Barbara Love Smith wish to express their most sincere thanks to all those kind relatives, friends and neighbours who sympathised with...
Mcclelland, Tom
McCLELLAND, TOM - The family of the late Tom McClelland express their sincere thanks to all the kind relatives, friends, neighbours, professional and business colleagues who sympathised with them in their recent...
Mckee, William George (Willie)
McKEE, WILLIAM GEORGE (WILLIE) - The wife, sons, daughters and family circle of the late Willie McKee wish to thank all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. Thanks to the Doctors and...
Ruston, Esther
RUSTON, ESTHER - The family of the late Esther Ruston (died 23rd February 2014) wish to express their sincere thanks to all who sympathised with them during their recent sad bereavement, and to all who attended the...
Thom, June
THOM, JUNE - The family of the late June Thom wish to thank all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad loss. To all who sent cards, telephoned, gave donations or attended the funeral. Special thanks to...