Smith Elizabeth Passed Away October 1, 2020. The Family Circle...
SMITH ELIZABETH Passed away October 1, 2020. The family circle of the late Elizabeth Smith, wish to express their thanks to all family members, friends and neighbours who sympathised with...
Warnock Olive Margaret (Née Mcbeth) The Sons, Daughters And...
WARNOCK OLIVE MARGARET (Née McBETH) The sons, daughters and family circle of the late Olive Warnock wish to express their sincere thanks to all their relations, friends and neighbours who...
Bennett, Lee
BENNETT, LEE - The family circle of the late Lee Bennett wish to thank those who sympathized with them in their recent sad bereavement. A special word of thanks to Rev. George McClelland for his prayers, words of...
Hutchinson, Albert John Dawson (David) J.p., B.e.m
HUTCHINSON, ALBERT JOHN DAWSON (DAVID) J.P., B.E.M. - The family circle of the late David Hutchinson, wish to thank those who sympathized with them in their recent sad bereavement. A...
Kane, Margaret Elizabeth (Peggy)
KANE, MARGARET ELIZABETH (PEGGY) - The sons and family circle of the late Margaret Elizabeth (Peggy) Kane, wish to thank all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement. Thanks to Rosemary,...
Matier, Francis Brendan
MATIER, FRANCIS BRENDAN - The family circle of the late Brendan Matier R.I.P. wish to express their most sincere thanks to all those kind relatives, friends and neighbours who sympathised with them in their recent...
Shillabeer, Harvey Keith (B.e.m.)
SHILLABEER, HARVEY KEITH (B.E.M.) - The family circle of the late Harvey Shillabeer, wish to thank those who sympathized with them in their recent sad bereavement. A special word of thanks to Rev. Mervyn Jamison...
Wallace, Eveline Ireson (Iris)
WALLACE, EVELINE IRESON (IRIS) - The family of the late Eveline Ireson (Iris) Wallace would like to thank relatives, friends, neighbours and staff of Altnagelvin Renal Unit for their kind expressions of sympathy...
Williams, Colleen
WILLIAMS, COLLEEN - The family of the late Colleen Williams would like to thank all those who sent messages of sympathy, cards and donations to Marie Curie in her memory. These were very much appreciated.
Mcquillan, Stephen
McQUILLAN, STEPHEN - The family of the late Stephen wish to thank all those who sympathised with them on their recent sad bereavement. Thanks to the Intensive Care Unit at the Ulster Hospital for their care and...
Mcbratney, Samuel
McBRATNEY, SAMUEL - The family of the late Sam McBratney would like to thank all those who recently sent messages of sympathy, cards, letters, telephone calls and donations to Marie Curie in memory of Sam. We were...
Nicholl, Albert
NICHOLL, ALBERT - The wife, sons and family circle of the late Albert Nicholl, wish to thank all those who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement, those who sent cards and telephoned, the Rev. Tom...