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Penrith, Mary Florence

PENRITH, MARY FLORENCE - Died 5th December 2016....

Penrith, Mary Florence

PENRITH, MARY FLORENCE - Died 5th December 2016....

Penrith, Mary Florence

PENRITH, MARY FLORENCE - Died 5th December, 2016....

Penrith, Mary Florence

PENRITH, MARY FLORENCE - Died 5th December, 2016....

Penrith, Mary Florence

PENRITH, MARY FLORENCE - Died 5th December, 2016. As we loved you, so we miss you. In our memory you are near, loved, remembered, longed for always, bringing many a silent tear. Love you Mum. Shirley and Jamesy. xx.

  • date-icon Added: 05/12/2017

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